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Windshield Repair
For those who have recently moved to or started working in the Burbank area, the first thing that you notice is just how nice our city is. The next thing that will just continue to amaze you is how awesome our weather is on almost every day. With the great weather; however, comes a fair amount of rocks and debris that can collect on our roadways that when they go airborne, will ultimately result in some damage to your automobile’s windshield. When this occurs, you will want to find an established company in our local area who can take care of a quality windshield repair service for you. When you find yourself in this position, then you will want to give the team at Burbank Express Auto Glass a call as soon as you have time. All of our mobile service technicians are trained in glass repair. With some of the extreme temperature differences that we can see in the Burbank and surrounding areas throughout Los Angeles, the longer that you delay getting a crack or chip in your windshield repaired, the more likely that you will find yourself facing a much more intrusive full windshield replacement service. If you are able to get to our team in time, you will only have to look to invest approximately 45 minutes with our team on a repair service. Our friendly service technicians are highly trained to not add any additional services to your visit unless absolutely required due to finding new damage, or the damage that you have reported to the glass has grown since we first talked t you on the phone. No matter what, you can trust that we will take good care of you. We believe in only doing the lowest cost repair possible to keep both yourself and your vehicle occupants safe. Newer companies will often get tempted to push you to do the more expensive replacement job before it is absolutely necessary. If you have any questions on our available auto glass services, please give our staff a call today. We are always glad to talk shop with you, and you will be extremely pleased with our team’s attention to detail. We look forward to taking your phone call.